def IsSafe(y, x):
return 0<=y<100 and 0<=x<100 and Ladder[y][x] == 1
def DFS(y, x):
global result
visited.append((y, x))
if y == 0:
result = x
for dir in range(3):
NewY = y+dy[dir]
NewX = x+dx[dir]
if IsSafe(NewY, NewX) and not (NewY, NewX) in visited:
return DFS(NewY, NewX)
for tc in range(1, 11):
tc = int(input())
Ladder = [list(map(int, input().split())) for _ in range(100)]
start_y = 99
start_x = Ladder[99].index(2)
dy = [0, 0, -1]
dx = [-1, 1, 0]
result = 0
visited = []
DFS(start_y, start_x)
print('#%d %d'%(tc, result))